The Chintels School, Kalyanpur, Kanpur - Affiliated to CBSE Board

Our Mission

The mission of the school is underpinned by the core values of: Commitment, Acceptance, Respect, Excellence and Strength. We aim to provide an encouraging environment for the children where they can bring out the best in themselves without fearing failures. The school is committed to developing self-confidence, flexibility, adaptability and problem solving skills in each student so that he can grow up as a strong individual with a positive self esteem, ready to face the changes which are vital elements of the 21 st Century world.

Core Values

In accordance with the mythological traces, both Duryodhana and Yudhishthira were equally mighty and courageous but a certain factor prevailed to alter the elevation of success attained by them. That factor was their ‘values’. Imparting Value based education is the prime focus of The Chintels School as a strong foundation can make a child unnerve every storm, disaster and accident. We majorly believe in nurturing values that predefine a human life because it is more challenging to hold on to the designation than to attain it.

The Chintels School, Kalyanpur, Kanpur - Top CBSE Affilated School in kanpur

Vision Statement

The Chintels School ideates the concept of nurturing responsible and conscientious citizens through a challenging, interdisciplinary, art integrated curriculum fulfilling the diverse need of students in a caring and stimulating environment.

Our vision is to nurture the intellect and conscience of every student in a caring and stimulating environment.

Our Pedagogical Vision

Our pedagogical vision is to ensure that each student is met at their point of need and actively engaged in constructing their individual learning pathway. We pride ourselves in knowing our students as individuals and as learners. To help our students achieve the aim of self - reflection, they are encouraged to participate in regular one - on–one conferencing with their teachers, to discuss, refine and extend their learning goals. Teachers address the student’s specific learning needs by working in teams and by extending support to the student by providing them opportunities for real life experiences and developing higher order thinking skills through a vigorous curriculum and meaningful assessments.

Learning Approach

"Learning is about getting better, academically, socially and emotionally. Amazing learning happens when students surprise themselves by getting better to a level beyond which they thought was possible."

The Chintels School embraces the individuality of each learner. We support student learning through a robust, student-focused curriculum and enriching extra-curricular activities, and focus relentlessly on each child’s ability to amaze.

The Chintels School recognizes and nurtures the inherent talent of each student in order to make a meaningful difference in the journey of their lives and create a lasting impact on their future.

Our Focus

Our focus lies in making the child happy, compassionate, competent and a well informed individual. So that when he faces the competitive world he has trust in his abilities, is strong enough to combat failures and remains grounded when successful.

For this we lay emphasis on providing:

  • a safe environment, where each child is valued.
  • an all-encompassing, caring and rigorous learning environment that engages students and challenges them to grow emotionally, academically, socially and creatively.
  • a platform for preparing inspiring and confident thinkers who have an enduring passion for learning and are poised to contribute to their family and the wider community.


May 17, 2024
Armaan Gupta of Grade VII scored First Position in KSS INTER SCHOOL STORY WRITING COMPETITION

May 11, 2024
Tanishka Parihar Grade IX Secured second position in KSS Inter School Solo Singing Competition.

April 27, 2024
Character Parade - World Book Day

April 23, 2024

April 22, 2024

February 14, 2024
Basant Panchami Celebration

December 24, 2023

December 01, 2023

November 27, 2023

November 22, 2023
Such magic is sprinkled by our paragon, Pragnay Bhatia who keeps the flag of our school flying aloft. He has added yet another feather to his cap by featuring in the MU20 under 20 High School Summit.

November 21, 2023
With immaculate precision and eloquent expression, our young orator Shivangi proudly paraded with the 1st prize for the KSS Inter - School Elocution Competition (Senior Wing).

November 18, 2023
Our sporty Table Tennis team secured 3rd position (Bronze medal) in Boys Category and carried the torch for The Chintels School, Kalyanpur.

November 17, 2023
We heartily cheer for Myra for clinching the consolation prize in KSS English Elocution Competition.

November 04, 2023
Chintels School, Kalyanpur that bagged the 2nd position (Junior Group) in the Rotary Club Dance Competition.

November 03, 2023
We are basking in splendour as the spectacular singers have clinched the 1st prize (KSS Inter-School Choir Competition) with their top - notch performance.

November 01, 2023
कक्षा 8 के छात्र अद्वैत श्रीवास्तव तथा कक्षा 6 की छात्रा रबजोत कौर ने सामूहिक रूप से ओवरऑल द्वितीय स्थान प्राप्त करके विद्यालय को गौरवान्वित किया।

October 31, 2023
Advait Srivastava and Rabjot Kaur bagged the 1st position (for the motion) and 2nd position (against the motion) respectively in the KSS Inter-School English Debate Competition.

October 28, 2023
Aaral Dwivedi clinching the 2nd position in GD Under 13 Badminton Championship held in Azamgarh.

October 28, 2023
KSS Inter School Badminton - 1st position in Junior Boys and JuniorJunior Girls team while the 2nd position was clinched by the Senior Boys group.

October 20, 2023

October 07, 2023
Teachers Conclave with Mr Ashok Ganguly , former Chairman CBSE

October 03, 2023
Krishana Puri young sport enthusiast has made his way to the Under - 19 Zonal team of Uttar Pradesh Cricket Association.

October 02, 2023
Durvank stood 2nd in the Under-11 category and Vihaan bagged the 3rd position in the Under-13 category.

September 21, 2023
Showcase Prep.

September 20, 2023
Aaral Dwivedi of Grade VIII has made all of us proud once again by securing 2nd Position in doubles in U.P State U13 Championship.

September 09, 2023

August 22, 2023
Yashita Srivastava, student of grade VII for clinching 1st position in Inter-School Swimming Competition!

August 17, 2023
Mrs. Smita Dhawan who has been bestowed with the distinguished 'Outstanding Achiever in Extra - Curricular Activities' by SCOONEWS

August 16, 2023
Aliza of Grade VIII, triumphantly clinched the 1st position in U.P State Rating Inter - School Chess Tournament in the Under - 13 category.

August 05, 2023
Chintelians are on a winning spree with Grades VI - VIII Girls team clinching the First Position overall in *KSS INTER SCHOOL CHESS TOURNAMENT*.

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